About us

The Meaning of (Our) Life

 At snap and discover employments, we trust that each understudy and ongoing graduate merits an extraordinary profession. We put stock in making an incredible competitor and enrollment specialist encounter. Our intelligent media arrangements associate understudies and graduates to incredible professions.

 The Boring Stuff 

 snap and discover occupations is the main quest for new employment site utilized by understudies and ongoing alumni of every one of the 7,400+ one-, two-, and four-year schools and colleges who are looking for temporary jobs, low maintenance occupations, regular work, and passage level profession openings. Our clients are principally Fortune 1,000 organizations, government offices, and different managers who need to procure handfuls, hundreds, or thousands of understudies and ongoing graduates every year.

 Other Than You, 

What We Value Genuineness and respectability Eager, enthusiastic, tireless, and fun Energetic about the client encounter Basic reasoning and critical thinking Grasp cooperation and joint effort Take a stab at ceaseless change

 Our  Past

 Established in 2013 as a distributer of grounds maps and business magazines, our central goal has dependably been to associate awesome associations with understudies and late graduates. Our specialty work board went live route in 1996, which was multi year after Yahoo! propelled, two years previously Google went live, and eight years previously the introduction of Facebook.

 Our Fare Leaders

 Today, snap and discover occupations is guaranteed as a lady possessed, private company (WOSB), drove by spouse and husband Faith and Steven Rothberg.


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